Monday, March 16, 2015

House Bill No. 509 was introduced by C. Schreiner.  The bill is wanting to offer four grants worth $75,000 to four different area creating suicide prevention outlets. The bill would hopefully see a decrease in suicide. People who were thinking about suicide would benefit from this. People who either know the effect that suicide can have on a family or people who are wanting to help others. The bill would harm other funding areas. Taking money out of the general fund for it however we would see less problems. An individual considering suicide is really the only person that can enforce it. Often times people don't know when someone is about to commit suicide or the rate would be lower. This bill would be in affect as soon as it was passed. Secondary affects we might see is less teens coming out to get help. These teens don't want to be put in to an institution so if they take everyone and put them in one then less people are going to come out and seek help. Also where these projects are located might be a problem. Making sure that we reach all areas is important.

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