Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Senate Bill 289 introduced by Duane Ankney a republican from Colestrip. The bill is trying to stop people from making anonoumus donations to campaigns. They want people to have to own their donations. They want them to be able to still make the donations but have to put their name to them.

The bill wants to make it so that people must put their names with their donations. Like they said in the article, "But free speech should also mean believing in it enough to have your name associated with it.

Basically people that are against the bill are saying that people that just want to make a donation should be able to. Sometimes people don't want to be involved in polotics and this would make them become involved. "The bill is designed to regulate political committees. However, it also regulates something called an “incidental committee,” which is basically a committee that was never intended to be political, but became so by making an expense that’s political."  THis would make more people have to become involved in politics for just sending off a donation. 

People that are for the bill think that it is a good idea. They think that with freedom fo speech comes consequences. With that they should have to own thier donations. They should have to include their occupation, name, and address. "But these same groups seem to forget that free speech  has consequences." 

I think that if someone wants to make a donation that that is fine. They should not have to let the whole world know. They especially should not have to add their name, adress, and  occupation to the bill. It is the persons money and they should be able to spend it as they want. We don't have to add all of that when we donate to a church or wherever we choose to donate so why should be do it now?

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