Friday, January 16, 2015


Assignment #2
Throughout this blog we will be looking at 5 separate house bills.

The bills we will be looking at are; HB 111 (DUI Sentence), HB 130 (Tanning), HB 200 (Government assistance drug testing).

HB 111 Keith Regier a Republican from Kalispell. THe bill wants to increase the sentencing for a folony driging under the influence conviction. According to

HB 130 Ellie Hill a democrat form Missoula. The bill is trying to make is so that people under the age of 18 can not tan without consent of a parent or a legal guardian. I think that it will affect may people. Especially around prom time. While some people use tanning beds to get tanner some people use it to cure depression. It has been proven that this will work. Also people should be able to tan if they want. I don't feel that this should be up to the government.

 HB 200 Was introduced by Randall Pinocci is from house district 19. HB 200 states that before someone can receive government assistance they must pass drug testing. This bill may affect some of the families that are currently receiving government assistance.

HB 28 Jenny Eck a democrat from Helena. The bill wants to require parole hearings to be video-recorded. HB 135 will be picked up with this bill to revise criteria for parole of prisoners. This could potentially save tax payers more money. I am not completely sure on what exactly else the bill with do for the common citizen. It will be interesting to see what all comes up with this bill. '

SB 19 R. Ripley the bill is basically saying the per capita livestock fees assessed by livestock and cattle protective districts for the livestock special deputy fund. I think that our livestock people are taxed enough. We do not need to pass laws that will just make them have to pay more. We are working hard to keep food on your table. It is important that we also put things in to protect out Ag families.

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