Wednesday, January 21, 2015


#3 Dress Code

While  the legislation is in full swing so in the arguing and the unnecessary law making. Rather than worrying about what our country and state is coming to, we are worrying about what each other is wearing.

When the legislation began its sessions, there was a new rule implemented. It was concerning dress code and what was and was not appropriate clothing. While a majority of the democrat women are highly offended, other women don't see a problem with it.

Some women said things like:
“It’s like something out of ‘Mad Men,’” said Representative Ellie Hill
“The whole thing is totally sexist and bizarre and unnecessary."  Ellie Hill
Mr. Regier said. “What we’re saying is: Be appropriate in what you wear. Don’t wear something that could be a distraction from the legislative process.”

Basically the women are upset because they are being held to a stricter dress code then the men are, the men feel that there is nothing really wrong with it. Ellie does not like that she has to wear certain clothing for what ever reason and finds it to be sexist. Mr. Regier finds there to be nothing wrong with it and that everyone needs to be professional while there.

Personally it kind of cranks my crank that they are fighting over what they are supposed to wear and things like this that in the end don't make a state a better state or a worse state. However, they do have one of the "easiest" job there are. They have to meet for 90 days ever other year. Therefore while they are there they can get over it and dress professional. I think that the dress code should be dress professional and leave at that. These people are elected in to go and make sure that they are bettering our state. This is not bettering our state. This is just dumb. They are adults grow up and act like it. Men should not being looking at the women there and commenting on their outfits every day. The women also shouldn't be dressing in a manner that makes them want to look. Here is simple saying that my grandma always says that makes you really think about what  you would wear.... "If you wouldn't wear it to church then don't wear it." As simple as that. Dress appropriate and be an adult about this situation. This is what is wrong with America. We are more worried about being equal and making sure that non of our rights are taken away that we are letting our country go. We are losing sight of what is really important and wasting time on things like this. When you get paid more money than most of the people working in 90 days you can wear nice clothes and not cause a huge scene. Grow up and start working on things that you are there to work on.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your grandma! I'm also looking forward to more great expressions from you. "It really cranks my crank." Genius!
