Thursday, May 14, 2015


THANK GOD!!!!!!! Somethings are a blessing in disguise.

The Democrats are glad that they got healthcare to the poor working Montana's. Republicans see the passage of a state budget that held the line on state spending as a major achievement.

According to the second article major bills that passed were were, medicaid health coverage to thousands of low-income Montana's, ratification of the Flathead tribal water-rights compact, and a landmark campaign-finance bill to crack down on and require public reporting of "dark" money. Republicans leaders were pleased that they held the state budget to increases of just 3% this year, and passed an increase in state funding for public schools with no controversy. They also approved expansions of community-based mental health programs.
While I think it is important for people to get the help they need I also don't think it is right when people buck the system. There are always people that are going to buck the system though. I believe that if you are on medicaid and can't afford healthcare and the different things people were saying they couldn't afford that they need to look at what they are spending their money on. If you can't afford food then probably don't get a smart phone. Those are expensive. If you can't afford your medicine don't color your hair. Rather than making other tax payers give you more money be smart about the money that they are already giving you. I do understand that some people just need help. It is just the way that it is.

I'm not sure where it ended up but I that they would have increased speed limits. The autobond in Germany is one of the safest road ways in the world. There is no speed limit but people don't sit there and and text and all of that. They sit up and drive. I believe that this would help people drive safer. And really who doesn't like to drive fast.

Well all of the my bills died except for the the drug testing one. The drug testing for welfare passed.

 As a high school student I was not worried about the important things. I was not really worried about what was going on in Helena either. Therefore I don't believe that I included this in my past posts. As an overall grade for the legislature I would give them a C+. I think they wasted a lot of time fighting over things that don't really make or break out state. Things like what they are required to wear an when. This really does not make a big difference. Also leggins. Yes they are the new thing that is currently out. Let it go. the less of a big deal you make out of it the less of a problem you will have with it. Making a big deal out of makes people want to make it just that much more of a problem.

I think that overall the can have a B-. They all are there and all should be working together with all of the people. Including the other branches. They did get a good amount of stuff passsed but because they were fighting over things like the dress code they had to go longer than they needed to,

The 65th legislature should increase speed limits. Make college more affordable, And create more jobs. Also don't spend so much time fighting. There are other ways to figure things out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


HB 245 sponsored by Nancy Ballance

HB 245 is trying to pass the legalization of the sale of raw milk.

The bill wants to make it legal for people who have small herds of cows, goats, and sheep to sell raw milk. It is currently illegal and they want to make it legal. They believe that people are becoming  so pure that we are becoming less immune to diseases.

People that support this bill feel that if people want to risk being sick that it should be legal for them to do so. People grew up drinking raw milk. Look how many of these people are fine now. If some one got sick then the herd would be evaluated. Something that people forget though is that just you can get sick off of the milk you buy at the store. If you don't take care of milk properly you are going to get sick.

Opponents of this bill argue that you are increasing your chance of getting sick. They also say that there are certain organ eating diseases that can do a lot of damage before it is detected.

"everything we do in life has risk," "but we make choices for ourselves and our families on the things that we feel are best for them. I believe we should (support) this bill and let Montanans make that choice of themselves."

I believe that our families should be able to drink what they want. It is kind of like the Prohibition. Rather than regulating it and making sure it is good, it makes people push it under the table. Then there is no regulation of it and it does increase the change of getting sick. I believe that it should legal and people that want to drink it is should be.

Monday, April 20, 2015


I think that the terms are just fine the way they are. I think that they should just leave them. Changing everything is not always good. Why change a system that is already working. I think that there are more important things for them to be working on. I would encourage them to not pass this.


I agree with Bullock. I think that if more people carried guns certain crimes would be less. Switzerland had almost everyone have huge guns in their houses and they have next to no break ins. I think that more people carrying guns would cut down on some crimes. However, there are people who should not be allowed to have guns. People who are already deemed dangerous to community should not be allowed to carry guns. I agree that if everyone has a gun then what is the point of having concealed weapon permits. I think Bullock brings up some good points. Giving dangerous people is not going to make them any less dangerous. There are those people who can carry a gun and be perfectly fine. I just don't see the right people taking advantage of this. I see the wrong people doing it. I would tell them not to pass this.


So today I am doing a random blog. Today I am going to blog about the craziness of senior year.
It is really crazy. The stress is different though. The homework load is somewhat less but you have way more things to do. Scholarships are one of these things. Also you have all of these big decisions to make. Like they expect you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life that the age of 18. Well curve ball. I have no idea what I want to do. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but no I don't. I mean there are so many cool jobs out there that look fun but I cant just choose one. So I guess to sum things up. If you don't know what you want to do when you are getting ready to graduate it is ok. You have plenty of time!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Senate Bill 289 introduced by Duane Ankney a republican from Colestrip. The bill is trying to stop people from making anonoumus donations to campaigns. They want people to have to own their donations. They want them to be able to still make the donations but have to put their name to them.

The bill wants to make it so that people must put their names with their donations. Like they said in the article, "But free speech should also mean believing in it enough to have your name associated with it.

Basically people that are against the bill are saying that people that just want to make a donation should be able to. Sometimes people don't want to be involved in polotics and this would make them become involved. "The bill is designed to regulate political committees. However, it also regulates something called an “incidental committee,” which is basically a committee that was never intended to be political, but became so by making an expense that’s political."  THis would make more people have to become involved in politics for just sending off a donation. 

People that are for the bill think that it is a good idea. They think that with freedom fo speech comes consequences. With that they should have to own thier donations. They should have to include their occupation, name, and address. "But these same groups seem to forget that free speech  has consequences." 

I think that if someone wants to make a donation that that is fine. They should not have to let the whole world know. They especially should not have to add their name, adress, and  occupation to the bill. It is the persons money and they should be able to spend it as they want. We don't have to add all of that when we donate to a church or wherever we choose to donate so why should be do it now?

Monday, March 16, 2015

House Bill No. 509 was introduced by C. Schreiner.  The bill is wanting to offer four grants worth $75,000 to four different area creating suicide prevention outlets. The bill would hopefully see a decrease in suicide. People who were thinking about suicide would benefit from this. People who either know the effect that suicide can have on a family or people who are wanting to help others. The bill would harm other funding areas. Taking money out of the general fund for it however we would see less problems. An individual considering suicide is really the only person that can enforce it. Often times people don't know when someone is about to commit suicide or the rate would be lower. This bill would be in affect as soon as it was passed. Secondary affects we might see is less teens coming out to get help. These teens don't want to be put in to an institution so if they take everyone and put them in one then less people are going to come out and seek help. Also where these projects are located might be a problem. Making sure that we reach all areas is important.