Monday, February 2, 2015



Basically this bill is dealing with students dropping out. The current age is 16 and they want to change that to 18.

Senate Bill 14 is sponsored by Robyn Driscoll, a democrat from Billings.

While Roberts doesn't have a high drop out rate, but we do have a few students that drop out. Being in a class where we have had a student drop out it was better for the class once he was gone. Our class was constantly waiting for him to catch up and do this and do that so we were progressing and learning like we should have been. However, he did not want to be here so why make him be here. Once he was gone it was much better for the class and the teacher.

While Montana has a higher drop out rate than some we have to look at our logistics. While I don't mean this in a racist way but a lot of Montana is covered by reservations and lower income communities. These places have higher drop out rates. If students don't want to be in school while make them go and hinder the ones around them who really want to learn.

This would affect the school and our nation eventually but we can hurt the ones who want to learn because of the ones who don't want to learn.

Montana people should vote as they want. Remember however, if you were in the situation on both sides of it how would you want people to fill? For some people school isn't really a possibility. What about the students who aren't going to school because they are working to live or taking care of a child, or a parents who can't take care of themselves and they don't have money to pay for help?  

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