Thursday, February 19, 2015

Open Letter

Dear Mr. Moore,
You were put in our government to do great things for not only our state, but also our country.  You are doing the exact opposite. Rather than spending your time wisely, you are wasting not only your time but also mine. You see when you bring stupid things up, such as you did with this issue, you are also wasting my time because I am in government class and have to write a blog on it. If you could at least bring up issues that were not completely stupid that would be great.

People have a right as an American to wear what they chosen when they chose to do so. Therefore, if people want to ride a bike down main street completely naked then they should be able to. You see there were these great people called our founding fathers. They  worked very hard to create a great country where we can do pretty much anything that we chose to do. They did not work hard for people like you to ruin other peoples freedom. We also have soldiers missing holidays with families and other big events because they were defending this country. Being the daughter of someone who was shipped and missed big family functions because they were serving our country this really irritates me.

My dad was gone for over a year to defend you. I have no issue with that. What he did for our country was a great things and I thank him for that every day. On the other hand you could be respectful and take care of our troops who are getting paid worse, receiving worse benefits, and living in much worse conditions than you are. While they are clearly spending their time more wisely doing better things for our country as a hole.

What people wear does not really affect how our country will run. I mean really what we wear and how we wear it is a way of expressing ourselves. I wish that you could see things from my end and start doing things that were benefiting us as a state and a country. If you are running out of bills to propose look at our troops and I'm sure that you can find something to do for them. After all they are doing things for you and you will never be able to pay them back for those things. Thank you for your time.

Rylee Perkins

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